Khobar Towers
On June 25, 1996, a terrorist truck bomb exploded outside the northern perimeter of Khobar Towers, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, a facility housing U.S. and allied forces supporting the coalition air operation over Iraq, Operation SOUTHERN WATCH. This was a brutal and cowardly terrorist attack on a multi-national peacekeeping force leaving 19 dead and hundreds injured. These peacekeepers were enforcing United Nations sanctions and the dead and injured represent citizens from several nations. Peace in our time can only be assured in a world free from terrorism and the loss of innocent lives. Estimates
of the size of the bomb range from the equivalent of 3,000 to more than 30,000
pounds of TNT. The Task Force estimated that the bomb was between 3,000 and
8,000 pounds, most likely about 5,000 pounds. While U.S. Air Force Security
Police observers on the roof of the building overlooking the perimeter
identified the attack in progress and alerted many occupants to the threat,
evacuation was incomplete when the bomb exploded. Nineteen fatalities and
approximately 500 U.S. wounded resulted from the attack. The perpetrators
escaped. The United States Government will pay for information leading to the arrest or conviction, in any country, of those persons committing acts of terrorism against U.S. citizens, military or civilian. A reward of up to $4 million will be paid to any person who furnishes such information. The U.S. Government will also provide for the protection of identity and the possibility of relocation for persons and their families who contribute such information. Persons wishing to report information about the bombing of the Khobar Towers facility, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; other terrorist attacks; or the planning of future terrorist attacks; should contact the authorities or the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. In the U.S., contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation or call Diplomatic Security at 1-800-HEROES-1. Persons with information may also write: Heroes P.O. Box 96781 Internet: Voice: 1-800-HEROES-1 ALL IDENTITIES ARE KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
THE U.S. OFFERS UP TO FOR INFORMATION ABOUT TERRORISTS The U.S. Department of State offers substantial rewards for information preventing acts of international terrorism against United States persons or property, or leading to the arrest or conviction of terrorist criminals responsible for such acts. The reward level is up to $4 million when U.S. civil aviation is targeted by terrorists. The Counter-Terrorism Rewards Program was established by the 1984 Act to
Combat International Terrorism, Public Law 98-533. Under the Rewards Program, cooperating
individuals and their immediate family members may be relocated to the U.S., or elsewhere,
and they are assured complete confidentiality. Rewards, totaling millions of dollars, have
been paid in dozens of cases. Innocent lives have been saved and terrorists put behind
bars. **Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, T*A*P*S, Home Page** Some other links of interest: